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Rights First

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Rights First



The Rights First project is part of the European programme for employment and social innovation "EaSI" 2014-2021, financed directly by the European Commission. The Joint Community Commission of the Brussels-Capital Region Government is also making a financial contribution. The Rights First project offers the opportunity to reconsider ongoing process of coaching vulnerable people as well as policies to facilitate access to social rights. Innovation being the key word of this project, it suggests new partnerships and new ways to ease integration policies within an post ante and ex post evaluation over the course of 30 months (from January 1st, 2022 to June 30th, 2024).


The Rights First project is coordinated by Bruss’help. It brings together several actors in the field (DIOGENES, Hobo, L'Ilot and the New Samusocial) who will work in particular with the Federation of CPAS or Actiris. It also benefits from the support of Crisis (United Kingdom) and St Joan de Déu Serveis Socials (Spain) who will share their experience in implementing a holistic approach.

The Rights First project is part of the European program for employment and social innovation "EaSI" 2014-2021, funded directly by the European Commission. The Common Community Commission of the government of the Brussels-Capital Region also makes a financial contribution.

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